Τα Kinnick English School συνδυάζουν τη γνώση με την ψυχαγωγία. Αυτή τη φορά, γυρίσαμε αρκετά χρόνια πίσω και επισκεφθήκαμε το πάρκο των δεινοσαύρων. Ντυθήκαμε δεινόσαυροι και μέσα από την πολύ
Last week, during an English lesson on Saturday morning, my teacher mentioned his greatest dream, which actually had me surprised as I would never have imagined such a desire would
Today, October 28th, is a very special day for my country. We celebrate the big ‘’No’’ we said to the Italians in 1940. We refused to let them pass through
Last time we had a lesson, we discussed the Nobel Prizes (who have won them and what they are). Thus, I searched for some information on the web. The Nobel
Have you ever tasted the well-known Oreo cookie? Do you know where the product’s name comes from? Well, if you’re French, Greek or Latin you have possibly thought about it.
Nowadays, unfortunately, a phenomenon to be considered common is prejudice. Do you know what it actually is and what its many types are? And most importantly, a better question is:
Nowadays, education is more like a person’s obligation than a right. Education is one aspect of life that contributes to a person’s development. Unfortunately, many countries’ educational systems are inadequate,
We have all, unfortunately, heard of the name AMBER Alert somewhere. It can also be seen with the name Child Abduction Emergency (code: CAE) and is a child abduction alert
Τα παιδιά ανυπομονούν για το καλοκαίρι, γιατί το έχουν συνδυάσει με παιχνίδι, φίλους, διακοπές, θάλασσα και καθόλου διάβασμα. Στην πραγματικότητα όμως τα παιδιά χάνουν την επαφή με το διάβασμα και
Η φετινή γιορτή των Kinnick English School στέφθηκε με επιτυχία και πολύ κέφι από μαθητές, καθηγητές και γονείς. Ευχαριστούμε πολύ τον Δήμαρχο Παλαιού Φαλήρου, Διονύση Χατζηδάκη, για την υπέροχη και ζεστή