Thoughts In Front Of A Mirror

I am looking in the mirror, but I can’t see anything! Where am I? Do I exist?

I don’t understand … I can feel my body… I just can’t see… suddenly, someone grabs my hand and makes me fall down… I am starting to lose consciousness. What is happening? I think that I’m dreaming… I wake up and look around me… I’m not at home, I am somewhere else… I know this place, I have been here before… Now, I remember… it is called “Dreamland” … I close my eyes, I take a deep breath and I try to get back to reality… What is that? It looks like me… What am I doing? Now, I can see clearly… Yes, it is me and I am helping a disabled man to cross the road… I am singing to the orphans, I am hugging a homeless person, I am giving love…! I can feel my heart beating so fast… What is that feeling? Now, I understand… it’s the feeling of love… I wake up… I am home again, I stand up and move towards the door… I open it, I go out and start singing, giving hugs and giving love… I can feel that emotion again… I go back and I look in the mirror again… now, I can see my reflection, now I can see me!

Helen Margioli

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