Review: “Aquaman”

Aquaman is an American superhero film based on the DC Comics character Aquaman.

The story, which takes place in 1985, is about a lighthouse keeper who rescues Atlanna, the queen of the underwater nation of Atlantis, during a storm. They eventually fall in love and have a son who was born with the power to communicate with the other sea creatures. Atlanna is forced to leave her family and return to Atlantis, leaving her son Arthur to her advisor in order to train him. Arthur grows up, defeats all his enemies, liberates his mother and gives Atlantis its freedom.

There are many things that I like in this movie. First of all, it is full of adventure and suspense. It also has great special effects and the scenario is based on true historical information.

If you ask me, this is a great action film, which teenagers and adults will certainly enjoy.

G Alexandros

D Class

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